Be Your Valentine. Love Yourself First
Be Your Own Valentine.
Let's make Valentine's Day a day we celebrate loving ourselves and teach our children the importance of self-love.
"It's all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self-love deficit." ~Eartha Kitt

#EmbraceWhoYOUAre #LoveYourselfFirst

I recently saw this posted on social media and had to share. A letter from a school principal to parents.

I was blessed with a mother who embraced WHO I WAS, and taught me to be proud of ALL OF ME. What a wonderful gift I was given. Yet another reason I share my mother's heart and stories of my life, with you.
Remember ~ Treasure ~ Love... Kitt
(Click on my mother's heart and see how I incorporate it in my designs.)