

There is Power in Love. Be Kind Always.

#LoveisStrong.There is power in love. "There is power in love. Don't underestimate it. Don't even over-sentimentalize it. There is power. Power in love." ~ Bishop Michael Curry We may all...

There is Power in Love. Be Kind Always.

#LoveisStrong.There is power in love. "There is power in love. Don't underestimate it. Don't even over-sentimentalize it. There is power. Power in love." ~ Bishop Michael Curry We may all...

Eartha Kitt Quote

As seen on Facebook, and shared over 850 times. "The only inspirational manure quote I know of." - Cecilia R. "Mic drop" - T. Rogers "Words of wisdom." - A....

Eartha Kitt Quote

As seen on Facebook, and shared over 850 times. "The only inspirational manure quote I know of." - Cecilia R. "Mic drop" - T. Rogers "Words of wisdom." - A....


Never miss an opportunity to shut up

How true it is. We often miss what's truly said because we are too busy talking. Or listening. To our music devices, television, computers. Trying to tune out the real...

Never miss an opportunity to shut up

How true it is. We often miss what's truly said because we are too busy talking. Or listening. To our music devices, television, computers. Trying to tune out the real...