
The kids are ALL home. Eek!

When did this happen? Little snot faced toddlers have been transformed into adult-sized beings in what feels like lightning speed. Two, are now college graduates, the two girls are off from school, and, now, I have all four of them living back at home. Wow. Am I happy? Yes, of course, as well as proud of their accomplishments. But, truth be told, I am also a little, how shall I put it... terrified. That may sound a tad dramatic, but while they've been at college, studying hard, probably partying harder, but evolving nonetheless, I, too, have evolved, into a new business owner and entrepreneur, non cooking, non fetching, very content working in my home office with my trusty four-legged sidekicks by my side, former hockey mom and chauffeur. So how do we all now learn to get along in our new roles? In many ways, housing young adults, is much more exhausting than chasing after toddlers. No, not physically, thank goodness, but learning how to be involved, yet not too involved; listen, yet tune out when needed; and be accommodating, yet not enabling, requires a whole new set of parenting tools, I am still searching for. The beauty of teenagers and young adults is that they'll be the first ones to tell you when you are screwing up. So, at least I know I won't get too overconfident. I'm sure my mother is hovering around somewhere, smiling and nodding her head, thinking that payback is so very sweet.
Remember ~ Treasure ~ Love... Kitt

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