Eartha Kitt & Kitt Shapiro

Eartha and Kitt blended together. Her wisdom, my eye.

My mother was my biggest supporter and maybe because I was an extension of her name, she thought I too had the ability to be a creative. One of the many hobbies I have delved into over the years has been photography, and my mother always praised my 'eye' and enjoyed having my images framed throughout her house (and often would take a few on tour and put them in her dressing rooms). I recently pulled out a few of my current photos and started playing around with some of the cool editing Apps on my iPhone, You Doodle and Canva, are the two I've been using most (usually falling into the black hole, losing track of time and before I know it I've spent hours tinkering. Can you relate?) Anyway, in this process, I thought since my mother loved my photographs so much, it could be cool to combine our expressions, and this is what I came up with. Eartha Kitt's words and her daughter's images Eartha Kitt's quote and Kitt Shapiro's images
What do you think? I mean, I'm not a professional photographer, nor am I an editing or graphic artist expert, but I'm kind of liking the way these have turned out. It's so interesting the process of evolution a person goes through during their lives. At age 56, I not only have more of a sense of self but also less fear of my own abilities and the willingness to believe it's ok to try something new. It's a pretty cool place to be. Since her hand-drawn heart has become a staple in my designs, I thought it only made sense to feature it, albeit subtlely, in the images. As my mother would often introduce us saying "I'm Eartha and this is Kitt", as if I completed her somehow, I can now say "I'm Kitt and this is Eartha. Her wisdom, my eye." Just thought I'd share.
Remember ~ Treasure ~ Love... Kitt

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