Eartha and Kitt swimming

Born to be an only child. Thoughts on beauty. Not what you might think.

I was born with the perfect personality to be an only child. Good thing too, because I'm not sure my mother had any other names if she had had more children. :) I had, and still have, no problem spending time alone. A trait I shared with my mother (no shocker there). I know many people who are not comfortable spending time with themselves. Doing nothing. With only their own thoughts keeping them company. It is not always easy, for some, to just BE. Peacefully. Our own thoughts, spinning in our heads, sometimes at great volume, can be terrifying. Mostly because we give them that power. We allow them to go off on tangents, creating scenarios that often never materialize.  One of my favorite quotes that I keep folded in my wallet is by Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Some of your hurts you have cured, and the sharpest you've even survived. But what torments of grief you've endured, from evils which never arrived." When my mother would catch me repeating a negative thought, she would refocus my perspective, asking me what was the absolute worst I was afraid of in that moment, and she would remind me that "If it is not life or death, then it's not 'life or death'." We tend to give our thoughts that much power. And, then we get stuck there. Focused on doom and gloom. Sometimes oblivious to a beautiful moment we could be experiencing. But always taking us away from the present. Another Ralph Waldo Emerson quote, (yes, I am a huge fan), “Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up”. We all comment on how fast time flies, yet we also spend a lot of our time thinking about things that have either happened or are going to happen, and not on What IS Happening.
Today, I will focus on what I can see, and find the beauty in it, no matter how small, because there is ALWAYS something beautiful to be found. If we can learn to BE in each moment, and SEE BEAUTY, we will then begin to notice that there really is more beauty in life than we may have ever thought.
Simplistic? Maybe. But why do we need to make life more complicated?

Remember ~ Treasure ~ Love....Kitt Thoughts on beauty Eartha Kitt memories of mom thinking

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[caption id="attachment_80099" align="alignright" width="300"]born to be an only child thoughts on beauty My mother's handwriting on one of my Simply Eartha designs
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