The legacy we leave - Eartha Kitt's daughter reflects on her mother's teaching.
We all have some sort of legacy we leave. Whether we’re world famous or known just to our families, we all have something to share. And as we share, hopefully with love and compassion, we hopefully can learn to appreciate the impact EVERY being makes on someone. That person is the pebble in the pond of life, affecting change, no matter how small.
#BeKind #BeGrateful #Smile. That may just be your legacy. ????
My mother taught me how to live honestly, with respect for everyTHING and everyONE. She blessed me with life's most important gift... Love. I now share her heart and wisdom with you, her fans, old and new, because blessings are meant to be shared.
Help me in my quest to #ShareYourHeart and show more kindness to those you come in contact with every day.
Starting with yourself.
It only takes on pebble to cause a ripple effect.
#EarthaKitt #MyMotherWasMyRoleModel #myinspiration #mymothersheart #wisdom #legacy #rolemodels #celebritystyle #SimplyEartha #accessoriesthatSAYsomething #ADaughtersTribute