
Mother Eartha Says Thank You

My mother 'Eartha' gave thanks every day.

She understood the blessing of waking up each morning and being able to see. That's right, just see. Because, the gift of sight, as well as hearing, albeit simplistic, is, in fact, just that, a gift. And, my mother understood the profound power of the simple blessings many of us take for granted. Mornings in our house, you would find her verbally stating her thanks and acknowledging all she came in contact with: the weather, the trees, plants and animals, even the insects (especially the bees. I'll have to share with you soon how my mother touted the importance of bees).

This was her daily ritual. Her gratitude for life, setting an important tone to begin each day.

As I mature and give more thought to the way I was raised, it strikes me how instinctively my mother lived. And taught, by example. The power her actions had on how I have come to live and view my life. And, the more I think about her parenting, the more I understand how truly blessed I was, and am. How a simple morning routine demonstrates to a child how to appreciate the small things we encounter in our day to day, sometimes stressful, lives. How, this, this living thing we do, is not a dress rehearsal. This is it (at least as far as we know for now), and when we miss the everyday stuff, we miss a lot of every day. So, as we go through this week of Thanksgiving, and encounter the stress often felt during the holidays, let's try to pay attention to ALL the minutes we get, good ones as well as tough ones, and count them ALL as blessings. Because not one of them will ever happen exactly the same way again (which for the not so good moments is truly a blessing), and remember, LIFE IS NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL. Be kind. Smile. It can change someone's day. Maybe even yours. Remember ~Treasure ~Love.... Kitt

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