Eartha Kitt with Love Yourself First quote

Be Your Valentine. Love Yourself First

Be Your Own Valentine.

Let's make Valentine's Day a day we celebrate loving ourselves and teach our children the importance of self-love.

"It's all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self-love deficit."  ~Eartha Kitta mother daughter moment with Eartha Kitt and Kitt Shapiro

#EmbraceWhoYOUAre #LoveYourselfFirst

Eartha Kitt Kittism I love the brain quote

I recently saw this posted on social media and had to share. A letter from a school principal to parents.

letter to parents
I was blessed with a mother who embraced WHO I WAS, and taught me to be proud of ALL OF ME. What a wonderful gift I was given. Yet another reason I share my mother's heart and stories of my life, with you. Eartha Kitt's hand-drawn heart in red

Remember ~ Treasure ~ Love... Kitt

Don't forget to join my email list and receive special offers as well as more stories about my life with my mother, Eartha Kitt.

(Click on my mother's heart and see how I incorporate it in my designs.)

Eartha Kitt's quote May Flaws Make Me Who I Am
Feel empowered with one of my mother's quotes : "My Flaws Make Me Who I Am" ~ Eartha Kitt
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