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I wear blue for Colon Cancer Awareness Month.

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month.

My mother, Eartha Kitt, had never had a colonoscopy until she was seventy-nine years old and when she finally did it was discovered that she had stage III colon cancer. She died from the disease December 2008 at age 81. Colon Cancer is the second largest cancer killer in the United States and it doesn't need to be. When caught early, it is treatable and beatable. Please talk to your doctor and your family about screening and early detection. It could save a life. Maybe even yours. For more information, contact the Colorectal Cancer Alliance,

[caption id="attachment_5226" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Show your blue for Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Show your support and wear blue, no matter how small, for Colon Cancer Awareness Month. [/caption]

[caption id="attachment_79237" align="alignright" width="434"]wear blue for colorectal cancer alliance Eartha Kitt's hand-drawn heart wrap. [/caption]

#coloncanceralliance #earthakitt #kittshapiro #mothersanddaughters #coloncancerawareness #remembertreasurelove #beauty #wisdom #wearblue #sharethelove

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[caption id="attachment_39458" align="alignnone" width="300"]Simply Eartha heart charm sodalite bracelet, wear blue for colon cancer awareness month Eartha Kitt's heart charm in sodalite  

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the items above will be donated to the Colorectal Cancer Alliance Click on images to shop.

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